Our men’s ministry meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday at 8 AM. We meet at Gramma’s Kitchen for breakfast and a great time of fellowship and sharing. Other events are scheduled throughout the year, fishing, sporting events and more!
women's ministry
Our women’s ministry meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 8 AM. We meet at the Hebrew’s Cafe for breakfast and sharing.We also go out shopping, to conferences and many other fun actiivities.
youth ministry
The Journey Youth group is a great place for your teens to find fun, fellowship and friends! We meet every wednesday evening at 7 PM with many other activities including concerts and camp!
children's ministry
Children are the future of the church and at the Journey Church we train up our children in the Word with fun and memorable teaching tools. We have great games and activities for all ages of children. We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00.